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Poll: Is the Galaxy S8 Samsung's best smartphone ever?

No one can deny it. The Galaxy S8 has an extremely appealing design and incredible build quality. With the introduction of the Infinity Display, Samsung has bet not only on aesthetics but also on ergonomics. The design is attractive without making too many compromises - the fingerprint reader is a notable exception.
The ultra-thin bezels and overall shape of the device make it seem more compact than it actually is. The build quality is impeccable, and the device is a delight to hold in your hands. It's certainly among the best in the market.
AndroidPIT Samsung Galaxy S8 vs S8plus 2055a
The Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus have been a hit. © AndroidPIT

Do the sales numbers confirm its success?

Sales are going well for the Galaxy S8. In May 2017, Samsung said it had sold more than 5 million Galaxy S8 and S8+ units globally since April 21. In July 2017, the numbers were 15% higher than those of the Galaxy S7 in the same period according to the director of Samsung's mobile division, DJ Koh. Samsung expects this growth trend to continue into Q3 and Q4 2017. All in all, Samsung sold between 50 and 60 million units in 2017 - sales of the Galaxy S7 are estimated at 48 million units.
Which is Samsung's best phone?

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