How To Root Samsung Galaxy S7 On Nougat 7.0 Using CF-Auto-Root? (All Models)
Many of you might have already tasted the delicious Nougat on your Samsung Galaxy S7, as the OTA update is widely released and it's been a while. But today rather than going to the Nougat features and advantages we will be helping you to root your S7 running on this freshly baked firmware.
Please note that this method is compatible on Samsung Galaxy S7 SM-G930F, Samsung Galaxy S7
SM-G930K, Samsung Galaxy S7 SM-G930L, Samsung Galaxy S7 SM-G930P,
Samsung Galaxy S7 SM-G930R4, Samsung Galaxy S7 SM-G930S, Samsung Galaxy
S7 SM-G930T (T-Mobile), Samsung Galaxy S7 SM-G930V (Verizon) and Samsung
Galaxy S7 SM-G930W8 running on Android Nougat 7.0 firmware only.
Make sure that you have backed up your Galaxy S7's phone memory before proceeding with any of the steps below.
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